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Action Statements for Textual Regions

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Some of the action statements that can be used with textual regions are applicable to all objects. The list below describes each of these action statements and how it affects a textual region.



How Statement Affects Textual Regions


Adds a new textual region.

add to

Adds new drawing statement(s) without clearing existing ones.

add to class

Adds a textual region to a class.


Adds new drawing statements and clears existing ones.

change graphics

Adds new drawing statements and clears existing ones. Although this statement is intended for use with graphical objects that have children, it can be used for a textual region as well. When used, it works exactly like the change statement since a textual region cannot have children.

change position

Changes position of a textual region's viewport.


Deletes contents of a textual region, and moves the text cursor to column 1, line 1.

clear graphics

Deletes contents of a textual region. This statement, like the change graphics statement, is intended for use with graphical objects that have children, but can be used for a textual region as well. When used, it works exactly like the clear statement since a textual region cannot have children.


Deletes textual region.

delete from class

Removes a textual region from a class.


In addition to the statements listed above, there are many action statements unique to textual regions. These statements, which are described below, allow you to write a textual region to a file, read a file into a textual region, emphasize text, control the visibility of the text cursor, and otherwise manipulate text. If you specify one of these statements for a graphical object, the action statement is not executed and an error message is produced.