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ESL Documentation

The drawing statements in this category display text strings and control the formatting of text in graphical objects.


Each text statement is independent of all others; for example, any graphical object can have both centered and aligned text statements intermixed.


The text statement allows you to display text (such as labels, lists, etc.) in a graphical object. When you display a text string, you can left-justify the text at the current position of the text cursor, or you can center the text with the text cursor position as its midpoint.


You can specify any character in the text statement. You can specify any string value, including string variables or string constants, as text; for example:


key Output at position 150 200

    move to 150 200

    text Message


You can specify any number of string values at one time. For example:


key SelectMe at position 300 150

    "Button " Button


displays the text "Button ", followed by the value of the string variable Button.